Side effects of chemotherapy

 Side effects of chemotherapy

Side effects of chemotherapy

Elements of the subject

1_ chemotherapy

2_ side effects of chemotherapy

1_ chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a word that refers to a group of medical treatments used in the treatment of cancer.

Chemotherapy drugs can be used alone or in combination with other treatments to manage various malignancies, and thus are a class of powerful chemicals that are used to kill rapidly spreading cells in the human body.

2_ side effects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy causes many unwanted symptoms, which are as follows:

Fatigue and exhaustion

The most common symptoms of chemotherapy are tiredness, fatigue, and loss of energy, which include dizziness, disorientation, and disorientation, as well as an inability to carry out daily activities. This fatigue is characterized by the fact that it does not improve with rest and persists for several weeks or months after a treatment session.


Chemotherapy causes a change in the patient's appetite, as well as a change in the taste of food, in addition to nausea that generally appears after a few hours of treatment and may be accompanied by vomiting, for which the doctor may prescribe an antiemetic. The body may become dehydrated from not receiving enough fluids to help relieve these symptoms.

weak immunity

Because chemotherapy kills healthy immune cells in the body, a person becomes more susceptible to infection after a chemotherapy session, and the duration of illness may be longer than usual if infected.

hair thinning

Chemotherapy destroys hair follicles and increases their fragility, leading to hair loss that continues until the end of the treatment period. Hair usually returns after treatment, and 65 percent of people who receive chemotherapy experience hair loss.


Diarrhea is a typical side effect of chemotherapy, and can include cramping, gas, strong urge to urinate, watery diarrhea, and transient lactose intolerance.

Mouth ulcers and dry mouth

After chemotherapy, a person may experience dry mouth and mouth ulcers, which make it difficult for the patient to eat and drink. It is usually suggested to use oral care products on a regular basis to maintain oral hygiene and reduce the risk of ulcers.

Other negative consequences

Chemotherapy can cause a variety of other side effects, including the following:

It is easy to bruise and bleed.



Numbness, tingling, and discomfort are symptoms of neuromuscular disorders. Dry skin and changes in skin color are examples of changes in the skin and nails.

Changes in the urine and bladder, as well as difficulties with the kidneys.

Attention and concentration problems.

Fertility problems.

In this topic, we have presented you with the most important unwanted effects of chemotherapy and hope for health for all  .

mohamed kadi 3 dec 2021

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