Important tips for diabetics to follow

 Important tips for diabetics to follow

 Important tips for diabetics to follow

Elements of the subject

1_ diabetes

2_ Important tips for diabetics

3_ blood sugar tests

1_ diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that results from the failure of the pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin for the body. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, and diabetes is divided into two forms. The first type is caused by the body's inability to produce insulin. The second type occurs when the body produces insulin in insufficient amounts. This is the most common form, accounting for 90 percent of diabetes cases.

2_ Important tips for diabetics

A diabetic must be aware of his condition to overcome and combat it.

A diabetic must notify those close to him that he has diabetes so that they can intervene in the event of his injury.

A device for measuring blood sugar, and it is preferable for the patient to carry his device wherever he goes for his safety.

Maintain your weight.

Take the medicine regularly.

Foot care and hygiene to avoid the appearance of blisters and sores.

See your dentist for any gum problems and monitor their integrity regularly.

Visit an ophthalmologist and examine the pupils and retina periodically.

If the patient is able to regulate their condition by themselves, then life may proceed normally, and diabetes should not be a constant concern or psychological stress for the person who carries it.

Visit your doctor regularly and get the tests he suggests.

Eat more fruits, vegetables and meat while avoiding carbohydrates.

3_ blood sugar tests

An HbA1c blood sugar test is done every three months.

Checking blood pressure, as the patient must keep his blood pressure below 130/80, especially if he suffers from high blood pressure.

The hemoglobin A1c test determines how stable your blood sugar level is.

Cholesterol and triglyceride levels should be checked.

Urine should be examined to determine the quality of the protein present, as the presence of protein in the urine indicates kidney disease.


Diabetes, in all its forms and manifestations, follows the patient throughout his life and, if left untreated or controlled, can lead to a variety of consequences, including vision loss and heart disease. As a result, a diabetic must take all essential steps to reduce the risk of developing the disease while still trying to live with his condition.

In this topic, we have provided golden tips that every diabetic should follow to avoid serious consequences

kadi mohamed 7 dec 2021

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